Agricultural Robots

Agricultural Robots

                  An agricultural robot is defined as any robotic device that can improve agricultural processes, by taking over many of the farmer's duties that are slow or labour intensive. In agriculture, robots makes many tasks simpler, faster & more effective. It is also called as Agribots or Agbots, which uses artificial intelligence(AI) technology to perform agricultural activities.

Types of Agricultural Robots:

Seeding & Planting Robots

                  Seeding & planting robots automate the task of sowing seeds or planting seedlings. These robots can distribute seeds or transplant seedlings at the desired depth & spacing. They use advanced sensors & computer vision systems to detect & adapt to different soil conditions.

Weeding Robots

                   Weeding robots identify & remove weeds from crop fields. It reduce the reliance on herbicides & manual labour for weed control, promoting sustainable farming practices. These robots uses computer vision & machine learning algorithms to distinguish between crops & weeds.

Harvesting Robots

                       Harvesting robots automate the process of picking fruits, vegetables, or crops. They are specifically beneficial for crops that require delicate handlings, such as strawberries, grapes or tomatoes. These robots are equipped with advanced vision systems & robotic arms and can identify ripe produce, gently harvest them and place them in suitable containers.


  • Increased efficiency
  • Labour Savings
  • 24/7 operations
  • Enhanced Precision and Quality

Top Agricultural Robots:

  1. AI-Kisan
  2. Krishibot
  3. Milagrow Agribot
  4. FarmBot
  5. MITRA
  6. AI-Sow